Monday 11 March 2013

Looking back at 13 year old Kho

I suffer from nostalgia  from time to time, but I've learned to not let it take over me now because it can get dire. Listening to some pop music in the staffroom today I'm suddenly stuck wondering why I can no longer just enjoy this music on my own now. I don't go online to look for pop music and I certainly don't browse around that section of a music shop. Yet ten years ago its mostly what I listened to. Then my mind trails off...

Ten years ago today I was in grade ten. A year before that I wasn't attending Saturday school yet because I wasn't doing Science. So I would spend Saturday mornings cleaning and then spend the rest of the afternoon reading novels and listening to music simultaneously. East Coast Radio was my favorite station and I listened to the Top 40 chart from 1-5pm every Saturday without fail.

It was a magical time I spent with myself, I loved it. Thats where my love for music was first nurtured until I learned to write my own songs and then I started writing music instinctively. Form and wording came naturally. Wher did all of that go? I could call it consciousness and moving into hip hop, rock and other ways of expressing my anger and growing frustration with dissilusionment but I cannot deny the fact that after all that, at some point I gave up my art. I forgot the purpose of music and I lost all feeling of it.

Now I struggle to write at all, I don't sing unless I'm drunk at karaoke and I hate that I don't quite know how to break out of this. My understanding of music, since my music degree has changed and I have a deeper appreciation of a much wider spectrum of music but that doesn't change the fact that my understanding of the core concept is burried, mabye suppressed for what I have thought to be higher enlightenment until now.

I guess the nostalgia lies more with the little girl that didn't know much about the world and therefore wasn't consciously affected by the issues and politics around her. Its the innocence and all the bliss and peace of mind that comes with it. Its the appreciation of feeling over thought, the sincerity of just being without wondering or worrying too much about what this means or how people view it.

I stopped reading too. First I stopped reading novels because I was angry at the way they warped my perspective of reality. I quit watching television for the same reason. Those things I don't regret. I do however read much less now than I used to because non fiction can get really boring, but I'm steadily getting back in the habit. And non-fiction catagorized books aren't always truly non-fiction. I guess I just choose my influences more critically now.

All in all, growing up is interesting and at 24 (almost 25) I feel that lots will still change about me. I just don't want the final product to be sour, bitter and angry at the world. After all, I enjoy being here. The world can be a wonderful place if you have the right attitude.


  1. That is quite a lot to write about a single subject (BAZINGA!)
    but I like the point about stopping TV because its warped your perspective of reality, I stopped for the same reason (and others). I like the way I was drawn into the story of Pop music, I feel like I know a bit of you now :-). When I saw you at Absa bank last year, I had so many I got trapped in your web, I was full of curiosity of you, wanting to know more even without any questions to ask (kind of strange, I know). I guess I will put on my attire of RIGHT ATTITUDE before I get tired of the world.

    - Svk

  2. Oh gee Sparky, I had no idea. Feel free to ask once you do have questions!

  3. I also think growing up is interesting in a difficult and beautiful way. Parts of you will change, some will improve, others disappear only to reappear in an evolved state. Life becomes more and more about choices and the guts to make them with the confidence that you will handle the consequences successfully whether or not you know of them in advance. It's crazy beautiful.
    You will not be bitter. I am sure of that part. You are naturally colorful, adventurous and creative. Now tell me, how do those characteristics make a person bitter.
    You will learn (as I think u already started) to accept the things you cannot change about the world and yourself and enjoy exercising the amount of control you have and can force into others.
