I skipped a country to find secrets, beauty, wisdom, knowledge, courage, hope, answers, God.
I found them all. Not very long I realized that if had skipped a country to realize it's worth. My country has: secrets, beauty, wisdom, knowledge, courage, hope, answers and God. But what good is all that to people who don't realize what they have?
Nighlwithe esiswini somdali
Ngigxume ngasuka endlini
Ngabaleka ngaphuma ekhaya
Ngithe ngiyofuna okunye, Hhayi lokhu
Cha mina ngifuna okunye, okwengeziwe, okungaphezulu, okunamandla, okukhanya kangcono
Okwengeziwe kunalokhu, okucwebezelayo, imfundo ephakemeyo, inkanyiso engaphezu kwaleyo enginayo.
Cha mina ngeke ngihlale la.
Vele angiselona ichwane
Juba kangisilo kudala ngachuthwa
Xoxo kangisilo kudala ngagxuma
Angalanga kutshelwa kudala ngopha
UMopho injwayelo, ngibhandisha ngeZwi
Ngigeze amanxeba ngezinyembezi
Ngigqoke imiyalo njengejezi.
Pho kunani!
Angifungwanga ngingumagcino.
Kwabathi kangimuliswanga kangibelekwanga nginezimpendulo
Ngafungwa ngamuliswa ngabelekwa phezulu!
Idlozi lami lakudala
Idolizi lami lokuqala
Idlozi lami lokugcina
Isiqalo Sami
Nesiphetho Sami
Kalingamukelanga belingivunile kakade
Esiswini sikaMama
Mina ngesaba
Namanje ngisemusha
Indodakazi kangilahlekanga
Ikhaya ngiyalazi
Ngithe ekuhambeni emazweni ngibuka ngibona
Imicabango yasanguluka
Ngibone impithizelo
Ngibone bedidizela
Beya le nale
Benemibuzo bengenazo izimpendulo
Bengenandaba nempilo
Ubumnyama bunzulu
Benakho konke okufiswa amehlo
Benethezekile kodwa bengenawo umthetho
Bakhononda bebubula kodwa kungenadlame
Benemfundo yonke kazange bayibambe
Bedla balahle
Bekhoseliwe bebahle
Kodwa benozwela
Amanzi okuphila ageleza umhlaba wonke
Anikwa laba abacelayo
Boba bayaphiwa Wona
Yena uvula Imithombo aqhumise umhlaba
Uveza amachibi yonke indawo
Ubusise ngemifula
Wena owomile woza!
Mina imifula ngiyibonile
Ngicotshwe amachibi
Ngaphala izibi ngazihlehlisa
Ngifuna umfula
Bheka manje ngiyagezwa
Imicabango emibi iyafadalala
Izibi zezono zami sezizoba yindaba nje
Mina ngifunda imfundo yaphezulu
Kumanje lamagama angicoca umqondo
Ageleza njengempophomo ephemela emlonyeni wami
Nasepheshaneni lami
Phuza nawe ukhombise abanye
Umthombo kaKristu.
Tinsagunu Hana ( The Balsam Flowers)- a warabe uta ( song)
Tinsagu nu hana ya
Chimi sachi ni sumiti
Uyanu yushi gutu ya
Chimi in sumiri
Tin naburi bushi ya
Yumiba yuma rishiga
Uyanu yushi gutu ya
Yumin naran
Yuruha rasu funi ya
Ninu fua bushi miati
Wan na cheru uyaya
Wandu miati
Takaradama yatin migaka
Niba sabisu
Asayu chimu migachi
Uchiyu watara
Makutu suru hitu ya
Ataya ichi madin
Umuku tun konati
Chiyun sakai
Nashiba nani gutun
Nairu gutu yashida
Nasan yui karadu
Naran sadami
Nasan yui karadu
Naran sadami
( English translation)
Just as my fingernails are stained with the pigment from the balsam flowers, my heart is painted with the teachings of my parents.
Although the stars in the sky are countable, the teachings of my parents are not.
Just as ships that run in the night are guided to safety by the North Star, I am guided by my parents who gave birth to me and watch over me.
There's no point in possessing magnificent jewelry if you don't mantaining it. People who mantain their bodies will live wonderfully. The desires of the person who lives sincerely will always run true and as a result she will prosper. You can do anything if you try, but you can't if you don't.